

With proven success:

Testimonial from a supporter.

Like to see if something positive might come of the present situation, am envisioning a (R)evolutionary opportunity lies before us. 

Many are interested specifically in education.  I share my own interests here in expanding actuarial influence beyond the traditional insurance industry and the consulting, regulatory and ancillary services that support insurance.  I look to expand an apprenticeship effort having interest from many organizations including Moody’s, AIR-Worldwide, a standards recognition organization and others.  I began in 2019 with one intern, expanded to three for summer 2020 and would like to see it continue to grow.

In particular, looking to further establish actuarial apprenticeships that connect high-potential, self-driven high school talent with the profession, its ethics, rigor and mentorship.  To provide a pathway that relies upon personal drive and conviction to successfully traverse the professional pathway, while recognizing the diversity of preparation each candidate brings.  Perhaps the effort can also help reduce the rising income inequality gap. 

Why the actuarial profession?

  1. Strong professional code with a “responsibility to the public” with a proven professional counseling and discipline.
  2. Profession is entirely merit based; attract new entrants from underrepresented communities.
  3. Successful apprentices will have the resources to “pay benefits forward”.
  4. Highly respected actuaries have taken many diverse paths to success.
  5. With risk-pooling and cost-sharing insurance offers the opportunity to reduce income inequalities.
  6. The profession’s small size, less than 3% as large as each of the medical, accounting and legal professions individually.
  7. Unique technical and talent capabilities are in high demand by many other potential employer sponsors (data scientist, machine learning, AI).

Analyst Apprenticeship Guild – Vision

Analyst Apprenticeship Guild – Certification Plan

Actuarial Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Proposal

Success with GGY-AXIS

Here are several actuarial and apprenticeship links for your educational assessment:

Code of Conduct (see fourth paragraph)

Actuarial Influence: People You May Know – Sir Edmund Haley (Comet), Warren Buffett, …

Equity Influence: People You May Not Know

Day in the Life:  Christine HofbeckSurvivor TV Contestant

Income Expectations

Ethics & Practice – Research Discussion Deck

Ethics & Practice – Research

Diversity: Desired Future

Apprenticeship – Philadelphia Federal Reserve Sessions